Explore limitless play with Maphy's innovative toys | Ignite your child's creativity and imagination | Fostering learning through joyful play | Crafted with care, designed for discovery | Inspiring unique play styles and endless possibilities.

At Maphy Toys Private Limited, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. It is important for you to understand what information we collect from you and third parties, why we collect it, how we use it, and what rights you have as a data subject or consumer. In this notice, the term "personal data" refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable person.

We encourage you to read this notice carefully, along with any additional and more specific information we may provide to you on various occasions when collecting or processing personal data on Maphy websites, products, applications, events, and initiatives. This will help you understand how and for what purpose we process your personal data.

At Maphy Toys, we gather various types of personal data through different means and utilize it for diverse purposes:
1. Ensuring Access to Our Website and Online Services:
- When visiting maphytoys.com, our web servers or affiliated analytics providers may collect:
  • Personal and contact details like full name, company, role, email, and address.
  • Demographic data.
  • Qualifications and profession.
  • The content of messages sent to us.
  • IP addresses.
  • Browsing details of our website.
2. This information is aggregated to analyze site usage, improve content, ensure safety and security, and enhance overall performance and user experience.
3. Registration for Authenticated Areas:
- In cases where registration is necessary to access authenticated areas of the website, we collect your username and password.
4. Data Obtained from Third Parties:
- We may obtain data from third parties, including:
  • Social networks: When permission is granted to access your data on one or more networks through our website.
  • Service providers: Assisting in determining your location based on your IP address to customize offerings and content.
  • Partners: With whom we offer co-branded services or engage in joint marketing activities.
5. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies:
- Maphy utilizes cookies and similar technologies to facilitate the proper functioning of our websites and to collect data. For detailed information, please refer to our full cookie policy.
Please note that our websites may contain links to third-party websites with privacy practices differing from ours. If you provide personal data to any of these websites, your data is governed by their respective privacy statements.
6. To Promote the Maphy Brand, Products, Initiatives, and Values with Marketing Communications
Maphy holds a strong legitimate interest in promoting its brand, products, initiatives, and values. To advance these objectives, we process personal data about our business contacts, including existing and potential Maphy customers, third parties, and intermediaries with whom Maphy engages in the course of conducting business.
We collect details about you, such as your name, contact information, job title, employer, areas of business interest, and other pertinent business details. This data is processed using software or platforms that enable us to manage our customer relationships. We gather such information directly from you, indirectly, or from third parties like business partners, data brokers, social networks, marketing firms, and publicly available sources, where lawful.
Your data serves various purposes within our organization, including administering, managing, and developing our business and services. This includes identifying existing and potential client needs, evaluating the strength of our interactions with specific business contacts, conducting analytics to produce metrics like relationship maps for our business leadership, and limited profiling to aid in the development and offering of appropriate products and services to our clientele. Analytics may involve algorithms that help analyze and rank interactions with you based on frequency and duration.
We may also engage in sending you marketing communications and surveys for market research purposes or to provide information about Maphy and our services, which we believe would be of interest to you in your professional capacity.
When communicating with you, we utilize various channels such as email, phone calls, postal mail, or other communication means, including social media sites like LinkedIn. We ensure that electronic marketing communications are sent to business contacts within a business-to-business context only when we have obtained your prior consent or when it is otherwise lawful to do so in the jurisdiction where you are located.

We may share your personal data with third parties where required by law, where it is necessary for one of the activities mentioned above, or where we have another legitimate legal basis for doing so. We require third parties to respect the security of your data and to treat it in accordance with the law. Where required by law, we will request your consent before transferring data to third parties that are not part of Maphy.

The following activities may be carried out by third-party service providers: hosting and other internet services, data storage and analytics, marketing research and campaign management, event organizers, and caterers.

All our third-party service providers are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data in line with our policies. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes. We only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions and applicable law. We may also need to share your personal data with regulators or to otherwise comply with the law.

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

In some circumstances, we may anonymize your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes, in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.